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Selectmen Minutes 10/08/09
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday – October 8, 2009 – 6:00 pm

Present: Chairwoman, Karen Day; Selectman, Jarvis Adams, IV; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren,
Minutes: Administrative Assistant, Debra Davidson
Call to order:
6:15 – Planning Board Chair, Gil Morris – to discuss the economic development plan –
Chairwoman Day opened by discussing the plan and who will sit on the committee.  
Morris stated last night there was a joint meeting with the ZBA; it was a roundtable discussion as to how Town ordinances are working.  Discussions took place around Open Space, a membrane buildings ordinance and more.  There will be another meeting in 6 or 7 months.
Economic Development Committee – to date the committee members are Bob Marshall, Gil Morris, one Selectboard member and a member of the Budget Committee.  A meeting needs to be arranged to determine where this committee will go.  
Capital Improvements Plan is just about finished up – Town buildings are in the plan as a grouped plan
6:45 – In accordance with RSA 91A:3 II (d) – consideration of sale or purchase of property Selectman Kullgren motioned to enter into a non-public session.  Seconded by Adams & Day.
Voted: 3-0
7:00 – Kullgren motioned to enter out of non-public and to further seal the minutes.  Seconded by Adams & Day.
Decision:  properties identified as V3 lot 6 will be auctioned on November 14, 2009 at 10:00 am.
Voted:  3-0 in the affirmative.
7:15 – Recycle Supervisor, Matt Blanchard – Selectmen requested Mr. Blanchard be at his meeting, Selectmen Kullgren & Adams explained they will be volunteering at the Recycle Center the next two Saturdays and open bags in an effort of education the public of the importance of recycling.  Adams will be there on the 10th; Kullgren on the 17th
Discussion followed regarding the importance of recycling, establishing a means to educate the public, and ways of decreasing tipping charges by recycling more aggressively.
Town Buildings were discussed.
Day discussed MB taking a Management Class – she would like to see a class completed as soon as possible.  MB stated he would get together with Davidson to see what is available.
7:30 – Highway Foreman, Joe Ellis – To discuss the 2009 Highway Budget.  Questionable invoices were discussed.  Ellis explained it takes 3 gallons of calcium product to protect each vehicle, which was the reason for the order of calcium.  The invoices for the absorbent pads were discussed, JE stated he tried to get other prices and further stated this was best price.  Mr. Ellis was asked where did he learn of this company? Ellis said another company gave the name of the Town of Greenfield to this company.

8:00- Budget Advisory Committee members, Bruce Dodge and Norm Nickerson – Day discussed that the BOS are in the process of hiring a DPW Supervisor, for time being Mr. Ellis is in charge.
Dodge stated that the BAC would like to see some comparisons on costs.  Mr. Dodge has already spoken to Mr. Ellis, discussed the gravel lot and the future building at the gravel lot.
Discussed a recent gravel offer from Steve Robertson – Selectmen thought this is a good idea and suggested Mr. Ellis move forward on this matter.
Ellis discussed drainage and what is needed to complete the drainage program.  He has presented a mitigation plan.  Asked if FEMA funds can be used for mitigation or does the Town have to give it back.
DPW Update:
·       Winter salt/sand pile is all set
·       Plows are complete and ready for winter
·       Roadside mowing and one more time of grading the roads before they freeze
·       The truck Gabe drives needs to be welded
·       Miner Road beavers are gone
·       Cornwell Road beavers are making a mess – he will get permission from the property owners to remove the beavers
Dodge asked what priorities for 2010 are?  Ellis stated that Mountain Road is his priority
Approval of minutes:
Selectmen approved the September 24, 2009 & October 1, 2009 minutes
Sign Documents:
Selectmen signed A/P invoices
Selectmen signed A/P checks
Selectmen signed Letters
Selectmen signed Intent to Cuts – R9-50 & R9-71
Selectmen signed Sewer Warrant – 4th Quarter
Selectmen signed Town Hall Rental - Marsh

Old Business:
Budgets –
Brush at Oak Park, Administrative Assistant Deb Davidson explained she discussed grinding this with Robblee Tree Services who indicated that it would cost the Town more to have him grind the brush pile, as he would hire the same company that Mr. Ellis was going to hire.  Davidson provided Ellis with the name and number of Valerie Sutton; she is with the company that did the grinding for Temple at no cost.
New business:
Selectmen reviewed the miscellaneous mail
Cemetery Trustees –
·       Trustees requested permission to buy back a lot from someone who will not need their cemetery lot for $100.00.  Selectmen agreed to this, a request for payment will be ordered for the next check run.   
·       Shed pump house at Greenvale Cemetery needs repair.  Trustees would like permission to purchase material now, they would go through Bellettetes.  Question was asked if there is any wire left that was purchased earlier, Davidson to ask Mr. Ellis.  Chairwoman Day suggested the funds not be spent at this time.  We can re-appropriate funds in 2010.
Davidson was asked to have a guesstimate calculated tax rate for the next meeting.
Robotics Club – sponsored by 4-H, this group is participating in their first robotics presentation.  They are local children and would like to use space in the Meeting House for approximately 2 months, January through February, in the evenings.  They would like the downstairs in an effort to keep their robots and equipment secure.   Proof of Insurance must be provided – Stephanie will look into this and let Deb know.  Selectmen stated this is fine with them; there will be no charge for the use of the Meeting House.
Moose Lottery –permission slip signed to hunt on town property off Holden Road for a gentleman who won the moose lottery.
Mountaineers Appreciation Day – Mountaineers would like to have a day when they recognize all the volunteers who helped make the Mountaineers a success for the 2009 season.  Selectmen support this effort.
Adjournment:   With no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm, their next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, October 15, 2009 at 6:00 pm.